Yogic support for Coaching Clients
A compilation of Yoga, meditation, breathing, and mindfulness practices to support 1:1 coaching and counselling clients for the duration of your program.
How to use these practices
Periphery to Soul Guided Meditation (with music) 15:00
Rise & Shine Kapalbhati + SoHam Meditation 19:35
Inner Alignment/Chakra Meditation with Bija Mantra 25:29
Rest in Natural Great Peace: Reclined Yogic Breath & Relaxation 13:11
Rise & Shine Kapalbhati + SoHam Meditation 19:35
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama 11:15
Reclined Yogic Breath + Seated Nadi Shodhana/Alternate Nostril Breath 23:02
Guided Relaxation 19:38
Short & Sweet Full Body Flow 21:23
Rest & Rejuvenation Flow 56mins
Short & Sweet Yin 41mins
Easy Afternoon Unwind 50mins
Short & Sweet Core Flow 50mins
Opening Flow 1:16:53
Smooth, Releasing Flow 1:19:41
Hip Opening Flow 1:17:02
Stable Core Playful Flow 1:17:33
Complete Flow with Pranayama 1:17:05
Nerve Flossing Flow 1:19:30